Bhutan at Glance

Total area 38394 square kilometers (350 km long and 150km wide approximately.
Location Landlocked between China and India
Altitude 100m above sea level in the south to over 7500m above sea level in the north
Longitude 88” 45’-92” 10’ east
Latitude 26” 42’-28” 15’ north
Political system Democratic constitutional monarchy
Capital Thimphu
District 20
Country 205
Population (2007) 658,888: male 345,298: female 313590
Population growth rate 1.8 percent (2005)
Exchange rate 1 USD=
Forest coverage 72.5 % of land area
Cultivated area 7.8% of total land
Life expectancy 66 years (male 66; female 66.2)
Literacy rate 59.5 %(male 69; female 49)
Local time 6 hrs ahead of GMT
Country code +975
Natural resources (minerals) Dolomite, Limestone, Gypsum, slate, Coal, Talc, Marble, Zinc, Lead, copper, tungsten, chemical grade quartzite, graphite, iron ore.
Crops Rice, Maize, Wheat, potato, millet, buckwheat, orange, apple, cardamom
Hydropower An estimated potential of 30,000 MW with mean annual energy production capability close to 120000 GWh.

  • Travel Information

  • Address

    Riwang Tours
    Chang Lam 21
    Thimphu : BHUTAN
    Contact No: +975-17608024
    Emails :